Oil fondue, aka fondue Bourguignonne, is where diners cook food in hot oil. The legend goes that vineyard workers in the region of Burgundy would come in for meals at different times, which meant it was difficult to have a hot meal ready for everyone. So, the vineyard owners would set out pots of grape seed oil in the fields that could be heated up at any time. The workers could thus receive a warm meal without missing out on the peaks times to harvest the grapes.

Since its inception, fondue has gone in and out of style. Most notably, there was a craze in the 1970s and a resurgence in the early 2000s. Fashion needn't dictate your meals, however. Fondue is great for entertaining: it breaks the ice and allows the host to do minimal cooking beforehand. Additionally, it makes everyone feel like they are a part of something—a good choice for a date or a dinner party.

What You'll Need

Fondue has been enjoyed by rich and poor alike, so you don't need to break the bank to enjoy it. To get the tools on the cheap, scout out your local thrift stores and garage sales or check on eBay.

There are two main types of oil fondue pots: gas and electric. The copper pot shown here requires a fuel can underneath to heat the oil. Newer varieties, such as the white one up above, are electrically heated. While the choice between these is up to personal preference and availability, it is essential to use metal pots to

Fondue forks come in many different colors, but everything below the handle remains uniform. They are much longer than a dinner fork and have only two prongs at the end.

This piece is optional. While fondue can be presented in different ways, many people prefer a "fondue plate", which features sections for each type of food. Since both raw and cooked foods are at play in this meal, it is quite important to have separation. If fondue plates are not in your budget, use several small plates instead.

What to Cook

In traditional fondue Bourguignonne, diners cook beef, chicken, shrimp and vegetables in the oil. Vegetables and beef can be cooked to the diner's preference, but it is essential to cook chicken and seafood completely to